Our goal is to bolster the legitimacy of a Biden / Harris win this November 3rd. We will do this by using October 3rd as a day of action to show support for the Biden/Harris campaign.
It must be completely undeniable, not only to the President, but also to his supporters, that millions of Americans choose to stand with Joe and Kamala.
This is critical if we want to ensure that every vote counts this November.
We're some of the millions Americans, on both sides of the aisle, who believe that every voice should be heard and every vote should be counted.
Also, FYI, if you choose to join our mailing list we will not share or sell your information with anyone else or use it for any purpose other than communicating with you about "Be Heard the Third" strategies as we approach the November 3rd general election.
We're not a corporation, a non-profit, or any kind of centralized, organized business or group. This website exists solely to help spread our message.
We're not being paid by or receiving any other material consideration from the Biden/Harris campaign or Headcount.org. We just like them.
We're not 'bots, trolls, "crisis actors" or people being paid to advance some deep state conspiracy. We're just American citizens who believe in American democracy.
Really, truly, we're just here to help.